First Strike supports the general public, law enforcement, armed forces, private security, NGOs, businesses, and others with their firearms training needs. From Basic Defensive Handgun to Advanced Tactical Carbine, we have a training program that will help you safely, quickly, and effectively use your firearm at a level that greatly exceeds that of the majority of gun owners anywhere.

What Students Learn
The 2-day Basic Defensive Handgun Course is designed for students who wish to learn how to safety and effective handle their semi-automatic or revolver handgun in order to better mitigate risk. Some of the topics covered are:
- Safety Rules
- Five Levels of Competence
- Moral and Ethical Decisions on the Use of Deadly Force
- Civilian Use of Force Continuum
- Legal Aspects of Self Defense
- Color Code of Mental Awareness
- Loading and Unloading
- Proper Grip, Stance, Sight Picture, Sight Alignment, and Trigger Control
- Presentation from the Ready
- Presentation from the Holster
- Presentation from Concealment
- Target Engagement from arm’s length to 15 yards, under time constraints
- Malfunction Clearing
- Speed and Tactical Reloading
- Reading Your Target
- And much more!
Upon completion of this course you will have a fundamental understanding of the defensive use of the handgun. Among the many skills you will develop, will be the ability to safely present your firearm from the holster and fire two accurate sighted shots to a target 5 yards away, in under 1.5 seconds.
Two full days. Generally 0800-1700 hours.
None. Entry level course.
- Must be 21 years or older to attend, or 16 years old if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the class.
- Children under the age of 16, and unattended minors are not allowed at the course.
- No violent or drug felony convictions.
- Pocket Pistols are not allowed.
- There are restrictions on the caliber and type of ammunition you can use. Click here. for further information.
- Holsters must be on a belt, correctly fit the weapon, completely cover the trigger guard, remain open when the weapon is removed, not allow the weapon to cover the shooter’s body, and not have a trigger guard retention device (such as the Blackhawk Serpa model and others).
- No thigh rigs, cross-draw, or unusual holster configurations are allowed.
What To Bring
- Your handgun. Unloaded upon arrival. Click here for further information.
- A minimum of three magazines, and two single or one double magazine pouch. If you will be using a revolver, you must bring speedloaders and pouches.
- Electronic hearing protection is mandatory.
- Wrap around impact resistant eye protection.
- Sturdy belt, hat with brim, loose pants, comfortable shoes or boots, etc.
- A concealment garment (loose shirt, vest, jacket, etc.)
- Water and snacks.
- Ammunition. Click here for further information.
Course Pricing
- $497 USD for First Strike Members.
- $597 USD for Non-Members.
- FREE for Authorized Instructors.
- FREE for Honor Graduates.
Basic Terms
- All students must show photo ID and complete paperwork at the time of sign-in.
- Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, or Bank Draft.
- The Member Discount only applies to the Member, not additional students.
- A $150 USD non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your place.
- Course must be paid in full 1 week before the course begins.
- Once a course has been paid for, there are no refunds.
- Instructors and Honor Graduates may attend on space-available basis.
- Other Terms and Conditions may apply.
What Students Learn
This 1-day course is designed for students who wish hone skills they’ve already learned through rigorous practice under the guidance of an Instructor. Some of the skills you will focus on are:
- Principles of gun safety
- Advantages and limitations of the modern handgun
- Loading, unloading and clearing malfunctions
- Ready positions and moving with the gun in hand
- Holster draw, cover garments and concealed carry
- Stance, footwork, recoil control
- Aiming methods, trigger control, speed shooting
- One handed pistol marksmanship and manipulation
- Using cover, awkward and improvised positions
- Tactical anatomy, terminal ballistics, and precise shot placement
- Hammered Pairs, Zipper Drills, etc.
- And much more!
One full day. Generally 0800-1700 hours.
Basic Defensive Handgun or higher.
- Must be 21 years or older to attend, or 16 years old if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the class.
- Children under the age of 16, and unattended minors are not allowed at the course.
- No violent or drug felony convictions.
- Pocket Pistols are not allowed.
- There are restrictions on the caliber and type of ammunition you can use. Click here. for further information.
- Holsters must be on a belt, correctly fit the weapon, completely cover the trigger guard, remain open when the weapon is removed, not allow the weapon to cover the shooter’s body, and not have a trigger guard retention device (such as the Blackhawk Serpa model and others).
- No thigh rigs, cross-draw, or unusual holster configurations are allowed.
What To Bring
- Your handgun. Unloaded upon arrival. Click here for further information.
- A minimum of three magazines, and two single or one double magazine pouch. If you will be using a revolver, you must bring speedloaders and pouches.
- Electronic hearing protection is mandatory.
- Wrap around impact resistant eye protection.
- Sturdy belt, hat with brim, loose pants, comfortable shoes or boots, etc.
- A concealment garment (loose shirt, vest, jacket, etc.)
- Water and snacks.
- Ammunition. Click here for further information.
Course Pricing
- $247 USD for First Strike Members.
- $347 USD for Non-Members.
- FREE for Authorized Instructors.
- FREE for Honor Graduates.
Basic Terms
- All students must show photo ID and complete paperwork at the time of sign-in.
- Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, or Bank Draft.
- The Member Discount only applies to the Member, not additional students.
- A $150 USD non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your place.
- Course must be paid in full 1 week before the course begins.
- Once a course has been paid for, there are no refunds.
- Instructors and Honor Graduates may attend on space-available basis.
- Other Terms and Conditions may apply.
What Students Learn
This 2-day course focuses on building skills that will allow you to win in a tactical encounter with a semi-automatic or revolver handgun. It is designed to build upon the Basic Defensive Handgun Course by adding additional shooting, movement, and tactical skills that will challenge you and increase your ability to use your firearm in ways you can’t even imagine.
Activities include:
- Shooting at very close range
- Response to threats on the sides
- Response to threats from behind
- Shooting while moving
- Alternative shooting platforms such as supported kneeling and rollover prone
- Shooting at distances up to 50 yards
- One handed shooting with either side
- Off hand tactical reloading
- Effective use of cover and concealment
- Target acquisition at night
- And much more!
Two full days, one night. Generally 0800-1700 hours. Night time dictated by time of year.
Basic Defensive Handgun or higher. Skill builder is highly suggested.
- Must be 21 years or older to attend, or 16 years old if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the class.
- Children under the age of 16, and unattended minors are not allowed at the course.
- No violent or drug felony convictions.
- Pocket Pistols are not allowed.
- There are restrictions on the caliber and type of ammunition you can use. Click here. for further information.
- Holsters must be on a belt, correctly fit the weapon, completely cover the trigger guard, remain open when the weapon is removed, not allow the weapon to cover the shooter’s body, and not have a trigger guard retention device (such as the Blackhawk Serpa model and others).
- No thigh rigs, cross-draw, or unusual holster configurations are allowed.
What To Bring
- Your handgun. Unloaded upon arrival. Click here for further information.
- A minimum of three magazines, and two single or one double magazine pouch. If you will be using a revolver, you must bring speedloaders and pouches.
- Electronic hearing protection is mandatory.
- Wrap around impact resistant eye protection.
- Sturdy belt, hat with brim, loose pants, comfortable shoes or boots, etc.
- A concealment garment (loose shirt, vest, jacket, etc.)
- Water and snacks.
- Ammunition. Click here for further information.
Course Pricing
- $297 USD for First Strike Members.
- $397 USD for Non-Members.
- FREE for Authorized Instructors.
- FREE for Honor Graduates.
Basic Terms
- All students must show photo ID and complete paperwork at the time of sign-in.
- Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, or Bank Draft.
- The Member Discount only applies to the Member, not additional students.
- A $150 USD non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your place.
- Course must be paid in full 1 week before the course begins.
- Once a course has been paid for, there are no refunds.
- Instructors and Honor Graduates may attend on space-available basis.
- Other Terms and Conditions may apply.
What Students Learn
This 2-day course builds upon the Basic Defensive Handgun Course, Defensive Handgun Skill Builder Course, and the Intermediate Defensive Handgun Course over a two-day period. It is open to any students who meet the prerequisites, but is required for those individuals interested in becoming a First Strike Firearms Instructor.
Activities include:
- Advanced shooting at very close range during the day
- Advanced shooting at very close range under low light conditions
- Advanced response to threats on the sides during the day
- Advanced response to threats from behind during the day
- Advanced response to threats on the sides at night
- Advanced response to threats from behind at night
- Advanced shooting while moving during the day
- Advanced shooting while moving under low light conditions
- Advanced dynamic circumstance scenario shooting
- And much more!
One day, two full nights. Generally 0800-1700 hours. Night time dictated by time of year.
Intermediate Defensive Handgun.
- Must be 21 years or older to attend, or 16 years old if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the class.
- Children under the age of 16, and unattended minors are not allowed at the course.
- No violent or drug felony convictions.
- Pocket Pistols are not allowed.
- There are restrictions on the caliber and type of ammunition you can use. Click here. for further information.
- Holsters must be on a belt, correctly fit the weapon, completely cover the trigger guard, remain open when the weapon is removed, not allow the weapon to cover the shooter’s body, and not have a trigger guard retention device (such as the Blackhawk Serpa model and others).
- No thigh rigs, cross-draw, or unusual holster configurations are allowed.
What To Bring
- Your handgun. Unloaded upon arrival. Click here for further information.
- A minimum of three magazines, and two single or one double magazine pouch. If you will be using a revolver, you must bring speedloaders and pouches.
- Electronic hearing protection is mandatory.
- Wrap around impact resistant eye protection.
- Sturdy belt, hat with brim, loose pants, comfortable shoes or boots, etc.
- A concealment garment (loose shirt, vest, jacket, etc.)
- Water and snacks.
- Ammunition. Click here for further information.
Course Pricing
- $297 USD for First Strike Members.
- $397 USD for Non-Members.
- FREE for Authorized Instructors.
- FREE for Honor Graduates.
Basic Terms
- All students must show photo ID and complete paperwork at the time of sign-in.
- Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, or Bank Draft.
- The Member Discount only applies to the Member, not additional students.
- A $150 USD non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your place.
- Course must be paid in full 1 week before the course begins.
- Once a course has been paid for, there are no refunds.
- Instructors and Honor Graduates may attend on space-available basis.
- Other Terms and Conditions may apply.
What Students Learn
First Strike’s 1-day Dynamic Tactical Handgun Course focuses focuses almost entirely on dynamic movement shooting designed to take your tactical ability to the highest possible level. You will spend an entire day conducting hands on drills using training and life-fire weapons that allow you to increase your speed and accuracy when engaging fixed and dynamic targets from a variety of positions and during circuit courses. Some of the things you will practice are:
- Hammered Pair drills
- Failure to Stop Drills
- Zipper Drills
- Box Drills
- T-Drills
- Distance Drills
- Isolation Drills
- El Presidente Drills
- Explosive Movement Drills
- Unknown Malfunction Drills
- USPSA-Style Classifier Drills
- And much more!
One day. Generally 0800-1700 hours.
Intermediate Defensive Handgun or higher. You MUST know the Basics to mastery. Period.
- Must be 21 years or older to attend, or 16 years old if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the class.
- Children under the age of 16, and unattended minors are not allowed at the course.
- No violent or drug felony convictions.
- Pocket Pistols are not allowed.
- There are restrictions on the caliber and type of ammunition you can use. Click here. for further information.
- Holsters must be on a belt, correctly fit the weapon, completely cover the trigger guard, remain open when the weapon is removed, not allow the weapon to cover the shooter’s body, and not have a trigger guard retention device (such as the Blackhawk Serpa model and others).
- No thigh rigs, cross-draw, or unusual holster configurations are allowed.
What To Bring
- Your handgun. Unloaded upon arrival. Click here for further information.
- A minimum of three magazines, and two single or one double magazine pouch. If you will be using a revolver, you must bring speedloaders and pouches.
- Electronic hearing protection is mandatory.
- Wrap around impact resistant eye protection.
- Sturdy belt, hat with brim, loose pants, comfortable shoes or boots, etc.
- A concealment garment (loose shirt, vest, jacket, etc.)
- Water and snacks.
- Ammunition. Click here for further information.
Course Pricing
- $297 USD for First Strike Members.
- $347 USD for Non-Members.
- FREE for Authorized Instructors.
- FREE for Honor Graduates.
Basic Terms
- All students must show photo ID and complete paperwork at the time of sign-in.
- Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, or Bank Draft.
- The Member Discount only applies to the Member, not additional students.
- A $150 USD non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your place.
- Course must be paid in full 1 week before the course begins.
- Once a course has been paid for, there are no refunds.
- Instructors and Honor Graduates may attend on space-available basis.
- Other Terms and Conditions may apply.
If you’re ready to learn how you can learn critical skills to better protect yourself or your loved ones, get in touch now!

What Students Learn
The 2-day Basic Defensive Carbine Course is designed for students who wish to learn how to safety and effectively handle their semi-automatic carbine rifle. Some of the topics covered in this class are:
- Safety Rules
- Five Levels of Competence
- Moral and Ethical Decisions on the Use of Deadly Force
- Civilian Use of Force Continuum
- Legal Aspects of Self Defense
- Color Code of Mental Awareness
- Loading and Unloading
- Proper Grip, Stance, Sight Picture, Sight Alignment, and Trigger Control
- Presentation from the High Ready
- Presentation from the Low Ready
- Use of a Sling
- Target Engagement from Weapon’s length to 100 yards, under time constraints
- Malfunction Clearing
- Speed and Tactical Reloading
- Reading Your Target
- And much more!
Two full days. Generally 0800-1700 hours.
None. Entry level course.
- Must be 21 years or older to attend, or 16 years old if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the class.
- Children under the age of 16, and unattended minors are not allowed at the course.
- No violent or drug felony convictions.
- Weapon must be built on the AR platform and be chambered for 5.56mm NATO / .223 ammunition.
- There are restrictions on the caliber and type of ammunition you can use. Click here. for further information.
- Must have an attached sling.
What To Bring
- Your carbine rifle. Unloaded upon arrival.
- A minimum of three magazines, and two single or one double magazine pouch.
- Electronic hearing protection is mandatory.
- Wrap around impact resistant eye protection.
- Sturdy belt, hat with brim, loose pants, comfortable shoes or boots, etc.
- Water and snacks.
- Ammunition. Click here for further information.
Course Pricing
- $597 USD for First Strike Members.
- $497 USD for Non-Members.
- FREE for Authorized Instructors.
- FREE for Honor Graduates.
Basic Terms
- All students must show photo ID and complete paperwork at the time of sign-in.
- Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, or Bank Draft.
- The Member Discount only applies to the Member, not additional students.
- A $150 USD non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your place.
- Course must be paid in full 1 week before the course begins.
- Once a course has been paid for, there are no refunds.
- Instructors and Honor Graduates may attend on space-available basis.
- Other Terms and Conditions may apply.
What Students Learn
The 1-day Defensive Carbine Skill Builder Course is designed for students who wish to hone the skills they learned previously in the Basic Defensive Carbine Course. Some of the topics covered in this class are:
- Principles of gun safety
- Advantages and limitations of the modern carbine rifle
- Loading, unloading and clearing malfunctions
- Ready positions and moving with the gun in hand
- Stance, footwork, recoil control
- Aiming methods, trigger control, speed shooting
- Using cover, awkward and improvised positions
- Tactical anatomy, terminal ballistics, and precise shot placement
- Hammered Pairs, Zipper Drills, Box Drills, etc.
- And much more!
Two full days. Generally 0800-1700 hours.
Basic Defensive Carbine Course.
- Must be 21 years or older to attend, or 16 years old if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the class.
- Children under the age of 16, and unattended minors are not allowed at the course.
- No violent or drug felony convictions.
- Weapon must be built on the AR platform and be chambered for 5.56mm NATO / .223 ammunition.
- There are restrictions on the caliber and type of ammunition you can use. Click here. for further information.
- Must have an attached sling.
What To Bring
- Your carbine rifle. Unloaded upon arrival. Click here for further information.
- A minimum of three magazines, and two single or one double magazine pouch.
- Electronic hearing protection is mandatory.
- Wrap around impact resistant eye protection.
- Sturdy belt, hat with brim, loose pants, comfortable shoes or boots, etc.
- Water and snacks.
- Ammunition. Click here for further information.
Course Pricing
- $497 USD for First Strike Members.
- $597 USD for Non-Members.
- FREE for Authorized Instructors.
- FREE for Honor Graduates.
Basic Terms
- All students must show photo ID and complete paperwork at the time of sign-in.
- Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, or Bank Draft.
- The Member Discount only applies to the Member, not additional students.
- A $150 USD non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your place.
- Course must be paid in full 1 week before the course begins.
- Once a course has been paid for, there are no refunds.
- Instructors and Honor Graduates may attend on space-available basis.
- Other Terms and Conditions may apply.
What Students Learn
The 2-day Intermediate Defensive Carbine Course focuses on building skills that will allow you to win in a tactical encounter with a semi-automatic carbine. It is designed to build upon the Basic Defensive Carbine Course by adding additional shooting, movement, and tactical skills that will challenge you and increase your ability to use your firearm in ways you can’t even imagine.
Some of the topics covered in this class are:
- Shooting at very close range
- Response to threats on the sides
- Response to threats from behind
- Shooting while moving
- Alternative shooting platforms such as supported kneeling and rollover prone
- Shooting at distances up to 150 yards
- Off hand tactical reloading
- Effective use of cover and concealment
- Target acquisition at night
- And much more!
Two full days. Generally 0800-1700 hours.
None. Entry level course.
- Must be 21 years or older to attend, or 16 years old if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the class.
- Children under the age of 16, and unattended minors are not allowed at the course.
- No violent or drug felony convictions.
- Weapon must be built on the AR platform and be chambered for 5.56mm NATO / .223 ammunition.
- There are restrictions on the caliber and type of ammunition you can use. Click here. for further information.
- Must have an attached sling.
What To Bring
- Your carbine rifle. Unloaded upon arrival. Click here for further information.
- A minimum of three magazines, and two single or one double magazine pouch.
- Electronic hearing protection is mandatory.
- Wrap around impact resistant eye protection.
- Sturdy belt, hat with brim, loose pants, comfortable shoes or boots, etc.
- Water and snacks.
- Ammunition. Click here for further information.
Course Pricing
- $397 USD for First Strike Members.
- $497 USD for Non-Members.
- FREE for Authorized Instructors.
- FREE for Honor Graduates.
Basic Terms
- All students must show photo ID and complete paperwork at the time of sign-in.
- Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, or Bank Draft.
- The Member Discount only applies to the Member, not additional students.
- A $150 USD non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your place.
- Course must be paid in full 1 week before the course begins.
- Once a course has been paid for, there are no refunds.
- Instructors and Honor Graduates may attend on space-available basis.
- Other Terms and Conditions may apply.
What Students Learn
This 2-day course builds upon the Basic Defensive Shotgun Course, Defensive Shotgun Skill Builder Course, and the Intermediate Defensive Shotgun Course over a two-day and one night period. It is open to any students who meet the prerequisites, but is required for those individuals interested in becoming a First Strike Firearms Instructor.
Activities include:
- Advanced shooting at very close range during the day
- Advanced shooting at very close range under low light conditions
- Advanced response to threats on the sides during the day
- Advanced response to threats from behind during the day
- Advanced response to threats on the sides at night
- Advanced response to threats from behind at night
- Advanced shooting while moving during the day
- Advanced shooting while moving under low light conditions
- Advanced dynamic circumstance scenario shooting
- And much more!
Two full days. Generally 0800-1700 hours. Night time dictated by time of year.
Intermediate Defensive Shotgun.
- Must be 21 years or older to attend, or 16 years old if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the class.
- Children under the age of 16, and unattended minors are not allowed at the course.
- No violent or drug felony convictions.
- Weapon must be 12 or 20 Gauge only.
- There are restrictions on the caliber and type of ammunition you can use. Click here. for further information.
- Must have an attached sling.
What To Bring
- Your shotgun rifle. Unloaded upon arrival. Click here for further information.
- A belt or sling shell carrier of some kind.
- A tactical flashlight with belt holder.
- Electronic hearing protection is mandatory.
- Wrap around impact resistant eye protection.
- Sturdy belt, hat with brim, loose pants, comfortable shoes or boots, etc.
- Water and snacks.
- Ammunition. Click here for further information.
Course Pricing
- $297 USD for First Strike Members.
- $397 USD for Non-Members.
- FREE for Authorized Instructors.
- FREE for Honor Graduates.
Basic Terms
- All students must show photo ID and complete paperwork at the time of sign-in.
- Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, or Bank Draft.
- The Member Discount only applies to the Member, not additional students.
- A $150 USD non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your place.
- Course must be paid in full 1 week before the course begins.
- Once a course has been paid for, there are no refunds.
- Instructors and Honor Graduates may attend on space-available basis.
- Other Terms and Conditions may apply.
First Strike’s 1-day Dynamic Tactical Carbine Course focuses focuses almost entirely on dynamic movement shooting designed to take your tactical ability to the highest possible level. You will spend an entire day conducting hands on drills using training and life-fire weapons that allow you to increase your speed and accuracy when engaging fixed and dynamic targets from a variety of positions and during circuit courses. Some of the things you will practice are:
- Hammered Pair drills
- Failure to Stop Drills
- Zipper Drills
- Box Drills
- T-Drills
- Distance Drills
- Isolation Drills
- El Presidente Drills
- Explosive Movement Drills
- Unknown Malfunction Drills
- USPSA-Style Classifier Drills
- And much more!
One day. Generally 0800-1700 hours.
Intermediate Defensive Carbine or higher. You MUST know the Basics to mastery. Period.
- Must be 21 years or older to attend, or 16 years old if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the class.
- Children under the age of 16, and unattended minors are not allowed at the course.
- No violent or drug felony convictions.
- Weapon must be built on the AR platform and be chambered for 5.56mm NATO / .223 ammunition.
- There are restrictions on the caliber and type of ammunition you can use.
- Must have an attached sling.
What To Bring
- Your carbine rifle. Unloaded upon arrival.
- A minimum of three magazines, and two single or one double magazine pouch.
- Electronic hearing protection is mandatory.
- Wrap around impact resistant eye protection.
- Sturdy belt, hat with brim, loose pants, comfortable shoes or boots, etc.
- Water and snacks.
- Ammunition. Click here for further information.
Course Pricing
- $297 USD for First Strike Members.
- $397 USD for Non-Members.
- FREE for Authorized Instructors.
- FREE for Honor Graduates.
Basic Terms
- All students must show photo ID and complete paperwork at the time of sign-in.
- Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, or Bank Draft.
- The Member Discount only applies to the Member, not additional students.
- A $150 USD non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your place.
- Course must be paid in full 1 week before the course begins.
- Once a course has been paid for, there are no refunds.
- Instructors and Honor Graduates may attend on space-available basis.
- Other Terms and Conditions may apply.
If you’re ready to learn how you can learn critical skills to better protect yourself or your loved ones, get in touch now!

What Students Learn
The 2-day Basic Defensive Shotgun Course is designed for students who wish to learn how to safety and effectively handle their semi-automatic carbine rifle. Some of the topics covered in this class are:
- Safety Rules
- Five Levels of Competence
- Moral and Ethical Decisions on the Use of Deadly Force
- Civilian Use of Force Continuum
- Legal Aspects of Self Defense
- Color Code of Mental Awareness
- Loading and Unloading
- Select Slug Drill
- Proper Grip, Stance, Sight Picture, Sight Alignment, and Trigger Control
- Carry Positions
- Patterning
- Use of a Sling
- Target Engagement from Weapon’s length to 25 yards, under time constraints
- Malfunction Clearing
- Speed and Tactical Reloading
- Reading Your Target
- And much more!
Two full days. Generally 0800-1700 hours.
None. Entry level course.
- Must be 21 years or older to attend, or 16 years old if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the class.
- Children under the age of 16, and unattended minors are not allowed at the course.
- No violent or drug felony convictions.
- Weapon must be 12 or 20 Gauge only.
- There are restrictions on the caliber and type of ammunition you can use. Click here. for further information.
- No pistal-grip Shotguns.
- Must have an attached sling.
What To Bring
- Your shotgun. Unloaded upon arrival. Click here for further information.
- A belt or sling shell carrier of some kind.
- Electronic hearing protection is mandatory.
- Wrap around impact resistant eye protection.
- Sturdy belt, hat with brim, loose pants, comfortable shoes or boots, etc.
- Water and snacks.
- Ammunition. Click here for further information.
Course Pricing
- $597 USD for First Strike Members.
- $497 USD for Non-Members.
- FREE for Authorized Instructors.
- FREE for Honor Graduates.
Basic Terms
- All students must show photo ID and complete paperwork at the time of sign-in.
- Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, or Bank Draft.
- The Member Discount only applies to the Member, not additional students.
- A $150 USD non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your place.
- Course must be paid in full 1 week before the course begins.
- Once a course has been paid for, there are no refunds.
- Instructors and Honor Graduates may attend on space-available basis.
- Other Terms and Conditions may apply.
What Students Learn
The 1-day Defensive Shotgun Skill Builder Course is designed for students who wish to hone the skills they learned previously in the Basic Defensive Shotgun Course. Some of the topics covered in this class are:
- Principles of gun safety
- Advantages and limitations of the modern shotgun rifle
- Loading, unloading and clearing malfunctions
- Ready positions and moving with the weapon
- Stance, footwork, recoil control
- Aiming methods, trigger control, speed shooting
- Using cover, awkward and improvised positions
- Tactical anatomy, terminal ballistics, and shot pattern
- And much more!
Two full days. Generally 0800-1700 hours.
Basic Defensive Shotgun Course.
- Must be 21 years or older to attend, or 16 years old if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the class.
- Children under the age of 16, and unattended minors are not allowed at the course.
- No violent or drug felony convictions.
- Weapon must be 12 or 20 Gauge only
- There are restrictions on the caliber and type of ammunition you can use.
- Must have an attached sling.
The 2-day Basic Defensive Shotgun Course is designed for students who wish to learn how to safety and effectively handle their semi-automatic carbine rifle. Some of the topics covered in this class are:
- Safety Rules
- Five Levels of Competence
- Moral and Ethical Decisions on the Use of Deadly Force
- Civilian Use of Force Continuum
- Legal Aspects of Self Defense
- Color Code of Mental Awareness
- Loading and Unloading
- Select Slug Drill
- Proper Grip, Stance, Sight Picture, Sight Alignment, and Trigger Control
- Carry Positions
- Patterning
- Use of a Sling
- Target Engagement from Weapon’s length to 25 yards, under time constraints
- Malfunction Clearing
- Speed and Tactical Reloading
- Reading Your Target
- And much more!
Two full days. Generally 0800-1700 hours.
None. Entry level course.
- Must be 21 years or older to attend, or 16 years old if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the class.
- Children under the age of 16, and unattended minors are not allowed at the course.
- No violent or drug felony convictions.
- Weapon must be 12 or 20 Gauge only.
- There are restrictions on the caliber and type of ammunition you can use.
- No pistal-grip Shotguns.
- Must have an attached sling.
What To Bring
- Your shotgun. Unloaded upon arrival.
- A belt or sling shell carrier of some kind.
- Electronic hearing protection is mandatory.
- Wrap around impact resistant eye protection.
- Sturdy belt, hat with brim, loose pants, comfortable shoes or boots, etc.
- Water and snacks.
- Ammunition. Click here for further information.
Course Pricing
- $297 USD for First Strike Members.
- $247 USD for Non-Members.
- FREE for Authorized Instructors.
- FREE for Honor Graduates.
Basic Terms
- All students must show photo ID and complete paperwork at the time of sign-in.
- Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, or Bank Draft.
- The Member Discount only applies to the Member, not additional students.
- A $150 USD non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your place.
- Course must be paid in full 1 week before the course begins.
- Once a course has been paid for, there are no refunds.
- Instructors and Honor Graduates may attend on space-available basis.
- Other Terms and Conditions may apply.
What Students Learn
The 2-day Intermediate Defensive Shotgun Course focuses on building skills that will allow you to win in a tactical encounter with a pump or semi-automatic shotgun. It is designed to build upon the Basic Defensive Shotgun Course by adding additional shooting, movement, and tactical skills that will challenge you and increase your ability to use your firearm in ways you can’t even imagine.
Some of the topics covered in this class are:
- Shooting at very close range
- Response to threats on the sides
- Response to threats from behind
- Shooting while moving
- Alternative shooting platforms such as supported kneeling and rollover prone
- Shooting at distances up to 50 yards with Slugs
- Off hand tactical reloading
- Effective use of cover and concealment
- Target acquisition at night
- And much more!
Two full days, one night. Generally 0800-1700 hours. Night time dictated by time of year.
Basic Defensive Shotgun.
- Must be 21 years or older to attend, or 16 years old if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the class.
- Children under the age of 16, and unattended minors are not allowed at the course.
- No violent or drug felony convictions.
- Weapon must be 12 or 20 Gauge only.
- There are restrictions on the caliber and type of ammunition you can use. Click here. for further information.
- Must have an attached sling.
What To Bring
- Your shotgun. Unloaded upon arrival.
- A belt or sling shell carrier of some kind.
- Tactical flashlight and belt holder.
- Electronic hearing protection is mandatory.
- Wrap around impact resistant eye protection.
- Sturdy belt, hat with brim, loose pants, comfortable shoes or boots, etc.
- Water and snacks.
- Ammunition.
Course Pricing
- $397 USD for First Strike Members.
- $497 USD for Non-Members.
- FREE for Authorized Instructors.
- FREE for Honor Graduates.
Basic Terms
- All students must show photo ID and complete paperwork at the time of sign-in.
- Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, or Bank Draft.
- The Member Discount only applies to the Member, not additional students.
- A $150 USD non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your place.
- Course must be paid in full 1 week before the course begins.
- Once a course has been paid for, there are no refunds.
- Instructors and Honor Graduates may attend on space-available basis.
- Other Terms and Conditions may apply.
What Students Learn
This 2-day course builds upon the Basic Defensive Shotgun Course, Defensive Shotgun Skill Builder Course, and the Intermediate Defensive Shotgun Course over a two-day and one night period. It is open to any students who meet the prerequisites, but is required for those individuals interested in becoming a First Strike Firearms Instructor.
Activities include:
- Advanced shooting at very close range during the day
- Advanced shooting at very close range under low light conditions
- Advanced response to threats on the sides during the day
- Advanced response to threats from behind during the day
- Advanced response to threats on the sides at night
- Advanced response to threats from behind at night
- Advanced shooting while moving during the day
- Advanced shooting while moving under low light conditions
- Advanced dynamic circumstance scenario shooting
- And much more!
Two full days. Generally 0800-1700 hours. Night time dictated by time of year.
Intermediate Defensive Shotgun.
- Must be 21 years or older to attend, or 16 years old if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the class.
- Children under the age of 16, and unattended minors are not allowed at the course.
- No violent or drug felony convictions.
- Weapon must be 12 or 20 Gauge only.
- There are restrictions on the caliber and type of ammunition you can use. Click here. for further information.
- Must have an attached sling.
What To Bring
- Your shotgun rifle. Unloaded upon arrival.
- A belt or sling shell carrier of some kind.
- A tactical flashlight with belt holder.
- Electronic hearing protection is mandatory.
- Wrap around impact resistant eye protection.
- Sturdy belt, hat with brim, loose pants, comfortable shoes or boots, etc.
- Water and snacks.
- Ammunition.
Course Pricing
- $297 USD for First Strike Members.
- $397 USD for Non-Members.
- FREE for Authorized Instructors.
- FREE for Honor Graduates.
Basic Terms
- All students must show photo ID and complete paperwork at the time of sign-in.
- Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, or Bank Draft.
- The Member Discount only applies to the Member, not additional students.
- A $150 USD non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your place.
- Course must be paid in full 1 week before the course begins.
- Once a course has been paid for, there are no refunds.
- Instructors and Honor Graduates may attend on space-available basis.
- Other Terms and Conditions may apply.
First Strike’s 1-day Dynamic Tactical Shotgun Course focuses focuses almost entirely on dynamic movement shooting designed to take your tactical ability to the highest possible level. You will spend an entire day conducting hands on drills using training and life-fire weapons that allow you to increase your speed and accuracy when engaging fixed and dynamic targets from a variety of positions and during circuit courses. Some of the things you will practice are:
- Up Drills
- Failure to Stop Drills
- Box Drills
- Distance Drills
- Isolation Drills
- Explosive Movement Drills
- Unknown Malfunction Drills
- USPSA-Style Drills
- And much more!
One day. Generally 0800-1700 hours.
Intermediate Defensive Shotgun or higher. You MUST know the Basics to mastery. Period.
- Must be 21 years or older to attend, or 16 years old if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the class.
- Children under the age of 16, and unattended minors are not allowed at the course.
- No violent or drug felony convictions.
- Weapon must be a shotgun.
- There are restrictions on the caliber and type of ammunition you can use.
- Must have an attached sling.
What To Bring
- Your shotgun. Unloaded upon arrival.
- A belt or sling shell carrier of some kind.
- Electronic hearing protection is mandatory.
- Wrap around impact resistant eye protection.
- Sturdy belt, hat with brim, loose pants, comfortable shoes or boots, etc.
- Water and snacks.
- Ammunition.
Course Pricing
- $297 USD for First Strike Members.
- $397 USD for Non-Members.
- FREE for Authorized Instructors.
- FREE for Honor Graduates.
Basic Terms
- All students must show photo ID and complete paperwork at the time of sign-in.
- Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, or Bank Draft.
- The Member Discount only applies to the Member, not additional students.
- A $150 USD non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your place.
- Course must be paid in full 1 week before the course begins.
- Once a course has been paid for, there are no refunds.
- Instructors and Honor Graduates may attend on space-available basis.
- Other Terms and Conditions may apply.
If you’re ready to learn how you can learn critical skills to better protect yourself or your loved ones, get in touch now!
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Call toll free 1-855-GO-FS-662 (463-7662) or use our contact form.